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The Best Ways To Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources

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What are render-blocking resources?

Render-blocking resources refer to elements that prevent a webpage from being displayed to the user until they have been fully loaded. These resources can include CSS and JavaScript files, as well as images and other media.

Mechanism of displaying a webpage

When a browser loads a webpage, it starts by parsing the HTML code and building a Document Object Model (DOM). As it encounters elements such as links to CSS and JavaScript files, it will stop parsing the HTML and start downloading and processing these resources before continuing with the rest of the page. This can cause delays in the display of the webpage, as the browser must wait for these resources to be fully loaded before it can proceed.

Impact of render-blocking resources

Render-blocking resources can have a significant impact on the performance of a webpage. By understanding the causes and implementing techniques to reduce the effects of these resources, developers can improve the user experience and increase the overall performance of their websites.

The necessity of eliminating render-blocking resources 

The importance of eliminating render-blocking resources in WordPress cannot be overstated. Render-blocking resources are any resources that prevent a web page from being displayed to the user until they have been fully loaded. This can include CSS and JavaScript files, as well as images and other media.

Effect of slow page speed

When a web page takes too long to load, it can be incredibly frustrating for users. It can also negatively impact your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) and overall performance. In this article, we will discuss the importance of eliminating render-blocking resources in WordPress and how to do it.

Why to  eliminate Render-Blocking Resources

1. Improved User Experience

The primary reason why eliminating render-blocking resources is important is that it improves the user experience. When a web page takes too long to load, users can become frustrated and may even leave the site before it has finished loading. By eliminating render-blocking resources, you can ensure that your web pages load quickly and that users are able to access your content as soon as possible.

2. Better SEO

Another important reason to eliminate render-blocking resources is that it can improve your website’s SEO. Google and other search engines take page load time into account when determining a website’s search engine ranking. The faster your web pages load, the higher they will rank in search results.

3. Improved Performance

Finally, eliminating render-blocking resources can also improve your website’s overall performance. When a web page is loaded with a lot of render-blocking resources, it can slow down the entire website. By eliminating these resources, you can ensure that your website runs smoothly and that your users have a positive experience.

4. Increase mobile compatibility

Mobile devices often have slower internet connections and less processing power than desktop computers. Eliminating render-blocking resources can help ensure that a webpage loads quickly and smoothly on mobile devices.

5. Increase website scalability

As the number of visitors to a website increases, render-blocking resources can slow down the page load times and cause the website to crash. Eliminating these resources can help to ensure that a website can handle a high volume of traffic.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources in WordPress

1. Minify CSS and JavaScript

One of the easiest ways to eliminate render-blocking resources in WordPress is to minify your CSS and JavaScript files. Minifying these files removes any unnecessary whitespace and comments, which can significantly reduce their size. You can use a plugin like Autoptimize or WP Minify to minify your CSS and JavaScript files.

2. Defer or Async JavaScript

Another way to eliminate render-blocking resources is to defer or async your JavaScript files. Deferring a JavaScript file means that it will not be loaded until the page has finished loading. Async, on the other hand, means that the file will be loaded in the background while the page is loading. You can use a plugin like Async JavaScript to implement this feature on your website.

3. Optimize Images

Images can also be a major contributor to render-blocking resources. To eliminate this problem, you should optimize your images before uploading them to your website. This can be done by compressing the images and reducing their file size. You can use a plugin like Smush to automatically optimize your images.

4. Minimize the number of HTTP requests

One of the main causes of render-blocking resources is the number of HTTP requests that a website makes. To eliminate render-blocking resources, it is important to minimize the number of requests by combining multiple files into one, such as combining multiple CSS and JavaScript files.

5. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A CDN can help to reduce the number of render-blocking resources by caching and delivering resources from a server that is closest to the user. This can help to reduce the time it takes for resources to load and improve overall website performance.

6. Defer or asynchronously load non-critical resources

Deferring or asynchronously loading non-critical resources, such as fonts and images, can help to prevent them from blocking the rendering of the rest of the website. This can help to improve website speed and user experience.

7. Regularly review and optimize resources

It is important to regularly review and optimize resources on the website to ensure that they are not causing render-blocking issues. This can be done by using website speed testing tools, such as Google PageSpeed Insights, to identify potential issues and make necessary changes to improve website performance.


In conclusion, eliminating render-blocking resources in WordPress is an important step to improve the performance and speed of your website. By identifying and removing unnecessary scripts and styles, minifying and combining files, and using tools like async and defer, you can ensure that your pages load quickly and efficiently for your visitors. Additionally, it is important to regularly check and optimize your website’s resources to maintain good performance over time. 

It’s recommended to use a performance optimization plugin, such as WP Rocket, Autoptimize, or W3 Total Cache, to automate the process of optimization. Overall, with the right approach and tools, you can effectively eliminate render-blocking resources in WordPress and improve your website’s performance.

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